Consulting and planning
Warehouse and Manufacturing (intralogistics)

Task: Full-scale lean reinvention of the logistics system, holding kaizen events for helping a new approach of employees, and their active involvement into process developments. Areas include: empties management, marketing warehouse, bottle sealing, loading process, industrial fridges, pallet management, production servicing.
„The performance of the group, their ambitious approach and cooperation were outstanding, the project members each did a valuable job for Coca Cola HBC Magyarország Kft.”
Zoltán Nagy
Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft.
National Logistics and Service Manager

Task: Process development of the resupply of the automatic order picking system at the national logistics centre, and planning of the relocation logic.

Task: Procces and layout planning of the warehouse with multivariate objective functions including maximum material flow efficiency, maximum storage space utilization and minimum investment costs.

Task: Starting lean thinking, and the lean development of the cross-docking logistics centre, eliminating wastes.
Task: Layout and process planning for the new cross-docking logistics centre.
„The work that the lean team did greatly helped increase the efficiency of the operation. The principles that they drew up could easily converted into practice, thus, they increased our customer service level. We count on their work in the future.”
László Kis
trans-o-flex Hungary Kft.
Logistics director

Task: Having analysed the service provided by Ghibli Kft. to Siemens, revealing the bottlenecks and quantifying their effects so as Ghibli Kft. can become a JIT supplier of Siemens.

Task: Lean development of in-house logistics processes, layout planning and storage space utilisation.

Task: Methodology of first cost calculation for 100 chosen products.

Task: Complex greenfield warehouse planning in beverages industry, including the transport connections, incoming goods handling, storage technology, inventory management, order picking, expediting and loading processes. We were sub-contractors in the project.

Task: In-house layout planning of a new warehouse building, and planning and implementation of related wholesale and retail logistics processes.

Task: Layout planning of the expediting area in the factory enabling efficient space allocation, and the full-scale support of its implementation.

Task: Lean development of the in- and outbound raw materials and finished goods, and the production servicing. Determination of handling machine count.
„The job done significantly helped the rationalisation of the logistics processes of the company, and resulted a major cost reduction. The smooth communication, the group’s approach and their adaptation to our unique needs made the project a success.”
Zsuzsanna Király
Dunafin Gyártó és Szolgáltató Kft. (delfortgroup)
HR manager

Task: Establishing logistical development trends for the growth of the storage capacity in case of an existing storage base, just as handling tenders and selection processes connected to the chosen development investment.

Task: Preparing a storage extension design, designing storage logistic, preparing process specifications, which help to introduce a WMS system into the storage processes.

Task: Strategical modelling of inverse logistical systems, to make sure, that the complete costs and effectiveness of the keep going and maintenance of future system changes (scenarios) will be comparable with the present situation.

Task: Designing an optimized storage functioning order, preparing process plans, which enable to introduce a storage management software based on bar codes.

Task: Use of mobile warehouses and cargo bikes to serve the shopping centers of Budapest.

Task: Definition of logistical key problems, consequential defining of investment free and quickly executable developments, just as the preparation of the specification of long-term system development needs.

Task: Preparing different designs for storage extension, preparation of the chosen designs’ authorization and execution plans, specification and tendering of the needed recourses and machines.

Task: Hűtött raktár és kapcsolódó telephelyi létesítmények, közlekedési utak vázlattervi tervváltozatainak kidolgozása, a kiválasztott tervváltozat logisztikai rendszertervének kidolgozása. Az elosztóközpont logisztikai folyamatainak megalkotása, az alkalmazandó tárolástechnológia és anyagmozgató eszközök specifikációja.

Task: Overviewing and analysing the logistic cost structure of the wholesale network to reveal cost saving potentials.

Task:Disclosure all quality management processes of the factory, determine future number of employees by using cycle time measurement and work sampling time study, make suggestions on the reorganization of the quality management processes.
Task: Revision of production supply Milkrun system, recommend and design development concepts. Validate the concepts by using simulation model, according to the simulation model implement the chosen concept.
Task: Exact layout survey and documentation of the welding shop and the warehouse of the factory, which provides basis for the subsequent plant expansion.

Task: Designing a real time availability tracking system for the costumers (BMW/Daimler), professional supervision of the implementation and the follow up period of the system.

Task: Review of the entire Hungarian logistic system, develop long-term strategic concepts which take into consideration the future industry trends, work out an implementation action plan for the chosen concept.

Task: Devising three concepts for the expansion of the warehouse capacity and rethinking of the on-site logistics processes. After selecting the future development direction, develop a detailed logistics system plan.

Task: Logistic (warehouse technology) plan of the new Linilog warehouse building, which include internal logistic infrastructure, technology and processes. Plan connecting warehouse building into the site transport network, design transport network closely linked to the warehouse.

Task: Design container washing area and connecting automated conveyor system of black and white empty warehouse of plant Kisvárda.

Task: Plan an automated high-bay and conveyor system for fresh and frozen finished goods, validate plans by building up a model in simulation software.

Task: Internal technological planning of BEKE II warehouse with the purpose of increasing storage capacity at plant Dorog of Richter.

Task: Plan warehouse technology for the new IT device warehouse of OTP, prepare specification for the required warehouse equipment, compile tender documentation.

Task: Design logistic technology concepts for the new central archives of OTP Bank, work out construction plan for the chosen concept. Specification of processes of archives.

Task: Complete implementation of Lean management at corporate level, develop a Lean production system. Holding differentiated Lean trainings for nearly all employees. Moderate and control Kaizen workshop at six selected area. Work out a Lean daily management system and design corporate strategy.

Task: Complete revision of the layout of machining, assembling mills and closely connected logistic and service facilities, plan site layout in detail.

Task: Integration of Coffee Machine warehouse into the processes of the central warehouse, design logistic concepts for the possible locations, work out construction plans.

Task: Logistic planning of dewar washer and connected storing and manipulation areas at the new warehouse of Linilog, correcting warehouse plans.

Task: Optimize facility layout in connection with factory expansion at Petneháza, work out in-plant logistic system, develop processes. Main goal is to reduce human workforce need and reveal potential automatization opportunities.

Task: Planning of automated KLT warehouse system and manual narrow-aisle warehouse on an existing site, rethinking the functions of existing warehouses, developing logistics processes.

Task: Logistic (warehouse technology) plan of a new site, which include internal logistic infrastructure, technology and processes, as well as the design of the site transport network, loading and unloading areas, parking lots.

Task: Logistic plan of new Non-IT and marketing warehouse, prepare specification for the required warehouse equipment, compile tender documentation. Professional support for construction.

Task: Rethink external site truck traffic regulations, redesign traffic routes, bridge scales, and parking lots. Main goal is to simplify traffic routes, make truck traffic safer and increase throughput capacity.

Task: The logistics planning of a new greenfield site, including a new warehouse building, closely connected traffic roads and parking lots, development of the logistics processes of the company.

Task: Planning of a new distribution centre following the integration of UPC and Vodafone distribution warehouses, including the planning of the internal logistic infrastructure of the warehouse, technology and process plans, along with working out warehousing 5s and visual management system.

Task: Planning of a new automated warehouse with ~20.000 pallet capacity along with the automatic material handling system serving factories and the sections of track connecting them. Design of picking warehouse and picking processes, validation of the planned system with simulation model.

Task: Prepare warehousing and logistic design section of a multifunctional hall at licensed and construction plan stage, professional support during construction.
Tender Management

Task: Complex tender management of the distribution system in Hungary and Romania.

Task: Tender management of storage equipment and material handling machines, selection and decision-making.

Task: Tendering the equipment supporting the processes of the expediting area, selection of supplier, decision-making.

Task: Planning of the national distribution network, and sensitivity analysis thereof, by minimising transport output and the value transported per transport cost ratio.

Task: Determination of the optimal network of post offices in Budapest, taking into consideration legal obligations.

Task: Planning of the national distribution network, and sensitivity analysis thereof, by minimising transport output and the value transported per transport cost ratio.

Task: Comprehend the current logistical network topology and determine the performance parameters of it, evaluate its operation on exact bases with multi-criteria methodology. Define topology scenarios for the future logistic network.
Transport management

Task: Lean development of the raw material order scheduling and resupply processes, planning supplier milk-runs in particular.

Task: Development of a route planner software application, supporting the web-based planning of the employee bus lines, and its related controlling module.

Task: Route planning of the distribution network covering Budapest and its suburbs (creation of standard trips).

Task: Review and consolidation of logistic network of social catering. Develop system and algorithm to support organising food delivery tours in MS Excel environment.

Task: Inspection of transport management processes, evaluate possible IT developments and optimization opportunities. Suggestions for the development of the transport planning and the related administrational processes.

Task: Design a sortiment analysis tool, which can categorize the maintaning materials according to the effective disposition.

Task: Software application for helping the job of the supply planner (inventory management).

Task: Determination of stock levelstaking into account the warehousing possibilities, expiry dates and supplier evaluation.

Task: Do an inspection on operating principle of inventory control system for the purpose of in-depth knowledge. Work out a system development action plan in order to define further development opportunities of the system.

Task: Investigate the opportunity of applying demand time series models in the current SAP system of the company, according to the results select the most suitable models for each product.

Task: Reconsider the currently used inventory strategies, in accordance with the results design optimised inventory automatizations which can be applied by purchasers.

Task: Further development of the developed order supporting and inventory optimizing application, customization based on user needs.
Logistic audit

Task: Logistics examination of the transformer factory in Csepel (near Budapest) according to intra- and outsourced logistics aspects for strategic development directions. Through the current state we define critical points of the logistics operations for the development conceptions. To appoint the ideal development direction we design a multi criteria decision making model and we specify some quick win and investmet free development suggestions.

Task: Strategic analysis of the national distribution warehouse in logistics aspect. Trilak needs a prioritized list of the development potential processes and for the most important we design a conceptional solutions. For the others discoverd waste ideaLog prepare an action plan.

Task: Logistics audit of Central-Europe warehouse to find the bottle neck of the logistics achievement. According to the short term we define some “low hanging fruits” (investment free development) and on mid or long term we planed a concept of a continuous material handling system.

Task: Revealing and weighing bottlenecks in the material- and information flow processes in the carpenter plant. Survey of the capability to support operation of the ERP system.

Task: Point examination of Shipping Department in order to highlight the areas/processes according to later process development. The purpose of the development are that they can do them fully work in a normal work schedule, in an appropriate quality and defined cost.

Task: Cross-sectional exploration and analysis of the maintenance processes of Fusion Zrt., Definition of operational problems. Based on these, a list of proposals and an outline of a system development action plan.

Task: Entire logistic audit of service processes of central distribution warehouse. Determine major losses based on cycle time measurement and work sampling time study, according to the result work out development concepts with available savings.

Task: Comprehensive investigation on order management processes (from the incoming order until the delivery to the costumer), reveal major losses and define operational problems. According to the results of the investigation compile feasible medium- and long-term system development action plan.

Task: Disclosure intralogistics problems of central warehouse (in accordance with the IT system developments), correspondingly prepare medium- and long-term system development demand specification.

Task: Comprehensive investigation on order management processes (from the incoming order until the delivery to the costumer), reveal major losses and define operational problems. According to the results of the investigation compile feasible medium- and long-term system development action plan.

Task: Complex audit of logistic processes, work out development concepts. Review of packaging technologies being used, detailed layout plan of packaging cells.

Task: Comprehensive investigation on logistic processes (from the incoming order until the delivery to the costumer), define operational problems, focusing on inventory and order management processes, accordingly prepare a medium- and long-term system development demand specification.

Task: Comprehensive investigation on logistic processes, decision-making support about logistic outsourcing, as well as analysis of its effects on the organization.

Task: Complete cross-sectional audit of logistic processes, define losses, reveal development potentials. Optimize supply chain to reduce logistic costs.

Task: The potential uses of industry 4.0 solutions in warehouse processes, available savings and advantages of the implementation, quantify required investment costs.

Task: Complete cross-sectional audit of logistic processes, including inventory, transport management and warehouse processes, disclosure current problems, reveal potential savings, work out a cost reduction action plan.
Time measurement, and analyzation

Task: Define standard production time for best-selling products, measure workforce efficiency with the help of work sampling time study.

Task: Disclosure and document production processes of a selected product group, measure cycle time of each operations within the processes and measure workforce efficiency by using work sampling time study. As a result, appoint development directions.

Task: As an input of simulation model make cycle time measurements and work sampling time study on three production line.
„The INNOLOG subcontracting process measurement work was implemented as an exemplary project and partnership. In order to run quickly, they ensured high availability, met defined deadlines, and finally delivered a precise, valuable result material. Both senior engineers and surveyors behaved appropriately, working well and in a good mood with Wellis employees. We look forward to further successful cooperation.”

Task: Completion of a holistic work day in the packaging area, just as drawing up of development advices based on measurements.

Task: Identify and document production processes according to product groups, work out measurement methods and measure cycle times. Statistical evaluation of measurement results, according to the result build up cost- and performance-based system of norms. In parallel with the cycle time measurement a work sampling time study (multimoment) was also carried out.

Task: Build up measurement methodology for the appointed warehouse processes and measure cycle times. Statistical evaluation of the measurements, according to the result work out a performance-based system of norms.

Task: Disclosure and analyse production and logistic processes, document the improved processes by using EPC language. Specify the requirements for the new enterprise resource planning system.

Task: Disclosure of logistic processes, based on them, designing conceptional development of purchase processes, so that the expansion strategy can be supported by the logistics. The result was the design of the logistical processes, which support the expansion and the purchase processes in EPC language. For this we got a brief summarizing presentation in English language and an “ERP check list” summarizing chart system that can be used for an ERP preselection.

Task: Saubermacher Magyarország Kft. kecskeméti telephelyének kishibás, de értékes alkatrészekkel kapcsolatos kezelési és adminisztrációs folyamatának felmérése és ábrázolása EPC folyamatleíró nyelven. A jelenlegi működésbeli problémák azonosítása, részletes problémaelemzés. Raktárnyilvántartó rendszer bevezetésének támogatására standard munkafolyamatok (SOP) kialakítása, EPC nyelven történő ábrázolása, szoftveres és hardveres követelmények meghatározása. Szoftver adaptáció támogatása: szoftver tesztelése, beüzemelése és a munkavállalók betanítása.

Task: Standardization of handling and storage processes of containers being used for storing car parts at the Mercedes car factory in Kecskemét, on the basis of which a new offline, barcode-based inventory management system was implemented to manage the containers used for storing GTC parts.

Task: Cross-sectional audit of company processes, develop processes and prepare process plans. Creating functionality table supporting ERP system selection based on the specification. Decision-support for the selecting optimal system.

Task: Cross-sectional audit of company processes, develop processes and prepare process plans. Development of logistic system. Creating functionality table supporting ERP system selection based on the specification. Decision-support for the selecting optimal system.

Task: Develop the logistic system of the company, design barcode-based inventory and work out process plans. Based on the specification support the implementation of a warehouse management system. Plan the traffic technology and road network of the expanded site.
Training, Workshop

Task: 2 day intense kaizen workshop training to the middle management of the company, both in Hungarian and in English.
Task: 4 day unique lean training for the logistics management of the company.

Task: 6 days logistics training for the logistics administration. After that we were leading and coordinating 3 different process improvment workshop in the warehouse.

Task: Organizing and moderating kaizen workshops for the development of the PEEM (automatic order picking system) area.
Task: Organizing and moderating kaizen workshops for the supporting processes of wholesaler partners.
„We have a whole new perspective of our daily tasks thanks to the mutual workshops and training. Having had a good time, my thinking has changed, and the optimalisation has become part of my life.”
Nándor Fegyveres
Teva Gyógyszergyár Zrt.
TLK Warehouse manager
Task: 4 day lean training for the logistics management of the company.
„The matter-of-course open-mindedness of the ideaLog team brought a breakthrough for the former, customs-oriented work and thinking. The presentations and the various games and exercises showed me the point of lean thinking and the importance of finding wastes.”
Nándor Fegyveres
Teva Gyógyszergyár Zrt.
TLK Warehouse manager

Task: Holding a Packaging training for the warehous workers and middle managers

Task: Training supporting the implementation of kanban, and workshop for the logistics management.

Task: 50-hour lean basic training for the administrative and operative employees of the warehouse.

Task: Basics of lean training for the middle managers of the operation, then a 3 days workshop mentoring for the design of milkrun service.

Task: Holding Lean logistics master training for the middle management of the company.

Task: Two days logistics and managing training for warehouse workers and middle managers.

Task: Participation int he Superior logistics manager training (PL-7512) covering production logistics, packaging, warehouse technology.

Task: Lecturer in the Lean special engineer post-graduate training, presenting case studies.

Task: Participation in the Operational development manager training.

Task: Team buildings (professional), dating back to 2012.

Task: 8- part training for process development, mentoring a development project parallel to the training.

Task: 4-part basic training for storage technology for new employees.

Task: Two days packaging technology training for the middle managers and warehouse workers of the company.

Task: Two-day long warehouse technology training for the middle- and top managers of the company.

Task: Two-day long packaging technology training for the packaging technologists and for the logistic middle-managers of the company.

Task: Four-day long intralogistics training for the logistic, production middle- and top managers of the company.

Task: Two-day long packaging technology training for packaging technologists, customer contacts and logistic middle-managers.

Task: Two-day long basic Lean training for logistic operators and middle-managers, mentor and moderate one-one day development workshop at two selected area.

Task: Two-day long logistic processes training for middle- and top managers of logistic and production fields.

Task: Four-day long intralogistics training for middle- and top managers of logistic and production fields of the company.
Device planning and implementation
Complex solution

Task: The Siemens Zrt. needs a unique materialhandling solution what supports the one piece flow in the production area. The longed for roller conveyor and kit car system could reduce the gripping numbers, work in progress and increase the egonomics in the work.

Task: In order to reduce the neccesary area of the expedition of abrasive cloth ideaLog design an ergonimics workplace and we design and executes the equipment itshelf also. ideaLog delivered roller conveyor with a gravitation push back part, special packaging and weighing station, unique scissor lift and a powered roller conveyor.