1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 41./B. fszt. 1/B

+36 70 558 92 24 iroda@innolog.hu Hungary

Warehouse and Site Planning

Site Planning

Our company has considerable experience in planning sites, warehouses and facility plants, but we also undertake the entire planning process, including the preparation of architectural plans, until the acquisition of licensed plan. We plan in detail the layout of the site, the transport links, internal traffic arrangements, parking lots and pedestrian traffic.

The relevant architectural and transport technology conditions (e.g. manipulation area requirements) are taken into account in the planning phase. We pay special attention to the fact that the new site serves the production and logistics processes as much as possible. That is, we need to adapt the site for the processes and not processes to the site!


Plant Planning

We undertake the planning of industrial and production plants, in which, besides the architectural aspects, we take into consideration the needs and peculiarities of the operational and logistical processes of the plant. Our goal is not to adapt the processes to the building, but to adapt the building to our processes. During the planning process, we optimize the internal layout of the plant, and then we start sketching and detailed planning of the building and other facilities.


Warehouse Planning

Establishing an appropriate warehouse structure is essential for efficiently serving the needs caused by the on-site logistics processes. In case of greenfield warehouse planning projects, it’s often a problem for companies, that the newly built facility can prevent the implementation of the required system.

To remedy this, we assess and plan the expected logistics processes already during the pre-planning phase, select the required storage technology, material handling machines, and then the final plans are prepared according to these.




  • Planning logistics systems requires expertise and experience, so it’s advisable to entrust these tasks to specialists in logistics.
  • In order for the company to choose the right warehouse technology, it is worth considering the whole range of possibilities, for which it is advisable to use the help of an external and objective expert.
  • We look for common success and believe in it. In this spirit, we work closely with your colleagues to develop the best possible solutions.
  • We provide a complex solution with precise planning from the arise of the need until the inauguration of the site or facility.
  • We have many years of experience working with other specialist areas to plan warehouse buildings, plants and sites.

As an independent expert, we can offer you the best warehouse technology solutions since we do not have a contract with any warehouse asset supplier.



Balázs Sztrapkovics
